(541) 548-0882




Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming & Colorado.

Asset Insight Technologies, LLC (AIT)
Contact: Bob Stowe

Phone: 541-861-0287

Email: rdstowe@pocketinet.com

Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio

M.S. Foster and Associates, Inc.

Contact: Mike Foster

Phone: 219-879-9225

Email: msfoster@msfoster.com

Website: www.msfoster.com

Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia

LaserLine Northeast

Contact: Gardi Willis

Phone: 843-723-7361

Email: GWillis@kueperblades.com

Website: www.laserlinenortheast.com


N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Wisconsin & Michigan

LaserLine Mfg., Inc.

Contact: Mike Vanneman

Phone: 541-548-0882

Website: www.laserlinemfg.com 


British Colombia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba

Commercial Truck Equipment

Contact: Ed Hoyer

Phone: 604-888-0513

Email: ehoyer@comtruck.ca

Website: www.commercialtruckequipment.ca


Fort Gary Industries

Contact: Richard Crowe

Phone: 403-826-0253

Email: rcrowe@fgiltd.ca

Website: http://fgiltd.com/

The Province of Ontario

Dican Inc.

Contact: John Rutkay

Phone: 905-937-9652

Email: johnr@dicaninc.com

Website: www.dicaninc.com

The Province of Quebec and The Maritimes

Alltech Group

Contact: Alex Lebuc

Phone: 450-218-6677

Email: aleduc@groupealltech.com

Website: www.groupealltech.com